Wednesday, February 16, 2005

On the occasion of my last day of classes....

Today was my last day of veterinary school classes and as I've been known to do, I spent those last few minutes writing a silly poem about said event:

Today was our last day of class.
Two final exams must we pass.
The future is clear...
Clinics are near!
Finally, relief for my ass!

Nearly three thousand hours we've sat,
Learning about dog, horse or cat.
Our last lecture today...
We shouted, "Hooray!"
Hard to believe where we're at...

To clinics we go with great gusto.
Donning white coats and scrubs head to toe.
Stethoscopes ready...
Feeling quite heady...
We'll show them how little we know!

Team Stress will soon be disbanding,
Gone the long sessions of cramming.
Old tests we'll discard.
Adios, index card!
Best of luck V'06 - here's a toasting!


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