Friday, July 15, 2005

Charge it!

I love mail. Sometimes on the way home I get a little bit excited about what might be in my mailbox. It's sort of like Christmas except it comes almost every day!

During my three week cross country extravaganza, the friendly local post office kept my mail for me all safe and sound. They delivered the mail in a big bundle in my mailbox (amazingly, it fit) last Saturday. I spent some time sorting through it and I admit, I'm fairly appalled at the paper waste generated by just my mail. Thank goodness Shrewsbury has paper recycling.

The most astounding feature of my mail? The credit card applications. I received SEVENTEEN credit card applications in my 21 day absence, of which only 18 were actual mail days. The breakdown was as follows:

3 Capital One Visa
4 American Airlines Mastercard
1 United Airlines Visa
5 Citibank Mastercard
1 USAA Mastercard
1 PayPal Visa
2 American Express Blue Cash

First of all, what do these companies not understand about me being a graduate student with no income? ZERO income! How can I possibly be a good candidate for 7 new credit cards?

Second, I already have a Citibank Mastercard. In fact, my bill was right there in the mail bundle. Why must Citibank send me 5 applications for a card I already have?

It boggles the mind. In the end, I shredded them up - foiling all the identity thieves at the Shrewsbury recycling center. Hopefully those worthless scraps will go on to become more useful pieces of recycled paper.


At 3:22 PM, July 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I abhor credit cards.


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